Online via zoom

Monday, March 24, 2025, 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. CET

2 hours

Registration fees:
Members: 45,00 EUR
Physicians on parental leave, unemployed, retired (members): 30,00 EUR
Students: 10,00 EUR
Non-members: 55,00 EUR

We offer special discounts to participants from the following countries:

Zone 2: 20% discount for Italy (except South Tyrol), Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta

Zone 3: 40% discount for Estonia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Russialand, Chile

Zone 4: 60% discount for Mexico, Brazil, Bosnia, Kosovo, Marocco, Thailand, Malaysia, Azerbaidschan, Turkeyi, Algeria, Tunesia, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Argentina, Montenegro, Bolivia, Vietnam

English with simultaneous translation into German, you can choose between the English and German language channels – also when watching the recording later.

Dr. Roger Morrison


Note: Following the webinar, Remigius Catewicz from SHS – Synergy Homeopathic Software – will give a presentation and overview of the new functions of SHS – interested parties are welcome to attend.

Webinar participants will receive a 20% discount when purchasing the software up to 10 days after the webinar.


Please register by clicking on the „Register“ button below and pay the participation fee to our account:

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IBAN: AT40 1813 0831 9931 0002

Special thanks to:

Webinar with Dr. Roger Morrison: “Lesser known aspects of remedies based on cases”

Dr. Roger Morrison (MD) is a world-renowned homeopath, educator and author. In 1984, he established the Hahnemann Medical Clinic and the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in California. He has published over 50 articles in many leading homeopathic journals in the world, and is the author of Desktop Guide, Desktop Companion, and Carbon: Hydrocarbon and Organic Chemicals in Homeopathy. He co-authored Miasms of the New Millennium with Nancy Herrick.
In 2009 Roger Morrison began to consider a new edition of his book Desktop Guide. There were so many new discoveries that his own copy of Desktop Guide was stuffed with notes.
When he began the work, he was amazed by the number of clinical cases he was able to find in journals and from his large circle of colleagues. „My wife and collaborator Nancy Herrick had for decades already been amassing cases from our constant attendence in seminars and from our own students.“
To his astonishment, he discovered that he had a pool of seven or eight thousand cases, which he began to use as the basis for his remedy descriptions.
After working for a couple of years this way he realised that he needed to change course and make the cured cases the centre of the book. He decided to call his new book „Clinical Verified Materia medica“. He made the decision that if he could not find three cases of a particular remedy, he would not include it – even if the remedy was regulary included in other Materiae Medicae stretching back centuries.

„I gathered the cases and made a synthesis of every symptom and characteristic mentioned by the various prescribers in every case available and painstakingly sifted and collated. My one principle was to document exactly what was found in these cases and to be transparent about how frequently the characteristics occured.“

Morrison has now reviewed around 10,000 cases. His 3-volume work will contain 600-650 remedies, including around 10% new remedies without a detailed monograph to date. Volume I is expected in 2024, Volume II is already half finished and should be published in 2025, Volume III is planned for 2028.

„If two cases showed the same symptom, I included it in the write-up.“

After 4 years of work, Morrison realized to his horror when comparing the cases with his remedy descriptions that the majority of the descriptions were inadequate. He began his work anew, systematically using the cases as the basis of his analysis.

When none of the cases (or exceedingly few) showed a supposed important symptom for a remedy, Roger Morrison documented this as well. For example, in some 30 plus modern cases of Gelsemium, only one had the symptom „headache ameliorated by urination (though many historic cases do confirm the symptom).

Supposed key symptoms need to be re-evaluated – for example in Causticum cases the most common (and often most intense) food reaction is craving for sweets – numerically far out-stripping the more famous symptom „aversion to sweets“. Or unexpected characteristics were found – for example, of 60 cases of adult Carcinosinum patients, only two were male.

In the book, Morrison presents the early phase, the late phase, the compensated and the uncompensated state of the remedies.

The new symptoms are also incorporated into various large repertories (e.g. Reliable Repertory).

Dr Roger Morrison will present lesser known aspects of 4-5 remedies that have emerged during his 16 years of case research.

Presentation language:
English with simultaneous translation into German, you can choose between the English and German language channels – even when watching the recording later.

The webinar will be recorded and can be re-watched for 3 months or booked for viewing by non-participants within the re-watch period.

Dr. Roger Morrison gives us an insight into his work on his new book using the example of Bar-c. in the following short video:

In the second short video, Dr. Roger Morrison explains: “About half of what the cases showed confirm what we knew. And about 40% were all new symptoms that is not expressed anywhere in any materia medica. And 10% actually contradict what we think what we know about the remedy.”