ÄKH – Ärztegesellschaft für Klassische Homöopathie – Austrian Association of Classical Homeopathy

The ÄKH offers various basic and advanced training courses in classical homeopathy.

Our basic training courses are held in German. It only makes sense to take part in our basic training courses if you have sufficient knowledge of German.

As far as our advanced training courses are concerned, we regularly invite international speakers to give face-to-face and hybrid seminars as well as webinars. These presentations are often held in English.

In the following section you will find some videos that we have provided with English subtitles. These videos will give you an overview of our training program, the basic principles of homeopathy, the study situation and the possibilities of homeopathy in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases.

Basic principles and studies in homeopathy

In the first part of this video Dr. Christoph Abermann, head of medical training at the ÄKH, explains the basic principles of homeopathy, first theoretically and then by presenting a specific patient case.

The second video section with Dr. Jens Behnke is intended to provide an initial overview of the positive study situation in homeopathy.

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Presentation of our basic training course in classical homeopathy – Diploma program (Duration: 3 years)

Dr. Christoph Abermann presenting the diploma training in classical homeopathy at the ÄKH – Austrian Association of Classical Homeopathy

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Homeopathy and conventional medicine in acute and chronic diseases – Dr. Christoph Abermann

In this video with case presentations Dr. Christoph Abermann gives an overview of the possibilities and limitations of homeopathy and conventional medicine in acute and chronic diseases.

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In our video store we offer recordings of our webinars and hybrid seminars for viewing. Many of them are in the original English language with renowned speakers.